There are more than 55.4 million people in the United States receiving Social Security disability insurance. It may be hard to believe, but if you are a younger worker, you have an approximately 30 percent chance of becoming disabled before you expect to retire.
This is, unfortunately, the case for many working individuals. If you are disabled and in need of Social Security disability insurance, then this article will be very relevant to you, but even if you are not disabled it is important to know how disability lawyers might be able to help you should the unthinkable happen.
Acceptance for Social Security disability insurance is determined based on a number of factors, but it starts with qualifying. To qualify, you must have worked recently, and for a certain amount of time at a job which Social Security covered.
In 2010, the average acceptance rate was 46 percent, with about 28 percent of people approved on their initial application. Approximately 38.3 million people in that same year were coping with a severe disability.
You must also be verified to have a disability, but what constitutes disability? Under Social Security, only total disability can be paid for. If you are unable to work in the same capacity that you did before becoming disabled, if that work cannot be adjusted to accommodate your disability, and if the disability is expected to affect you for more than one year, or result in death, then you are experiencing total disability.
Filing for social security disability can be a lengthy and complicated process. Disability attorneys will help you to understand the application process, fill and file the paperwork, gather medical records necessary to support your application, represent you before the judge, and advise you through the process and appeals. It is important to have an SSDI expert on your side so that you can navigate the system with confidence.
Depending on your case, Social Security and disability insurance may be paid to you and also to certain people in your family if you qualify and have paid enough in Social Security taxes. At the close of 2012, more than 2.5 million people between the ages of 20 and 40 were disabled workers, and received SSDI.
Many disability lawyers are also familiar with The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA. Dependent on the circumstances, this civil rights law prohibits discrimination based on disability, and covered entities are not allowed to discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities. If you believe your disability is causing you to experience discrimination, disability lawyers should be able to advise. Contact a Phoenix Social Security disability lawyer to learn more about how SSDI applies in your case.
The Law Offices of Andrew J. Muirhead is a leading Arizona law firm dedicated to the representation of clients involving all aspects of Social Security Disability Law. We handle cases throughout the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Kingman, Yuma, and all of Arizona.