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Do You Qualify For Social Security Disability? Did you know that, according to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 60.4 million Americans depend on Social Security, and 19% receive benefits owing to disability? Disabilities can be life-altering, and render employees physically unable to work. Receiving Social Security for disabilities, however, can be a long and challenging process. When might you qualify for Social Security disability, and what can you expect when filing a claim? Do You Qualify For Social Security Disability?
Wondering how to file for Social Security disability? The very first step is knowing whether you qualify, or whether you are likely to make a reasonable case. What are some of the most basic qualifications for Social Security benefits? What Can You Expect From Social Security Disability Claims?
Social Security and disability payments typically continue until you can go back to work. Keep in mind that you are required to apply for work, when you are able, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against hiring the disabled citizens. The ADA protects workers during the application and hiring process, guarantees disabled workers a fair shot at advancement, and much more.
The Law Offices of Andrew J. Muirhead is a leading Arizona law firm dedicated to the representation of clients involving all aspects of Social Security Disability Law. We handle cases throughout the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Kingman, Yuma, and all of Arizona.
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