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What is Social Security Disability?
How do I Apply in Phoenix, AZ?

Call Andrew J. Muirhead

Andrew J. Muirhead

A severe injury at a job could cause life to come to a screeching halt. But before you start looking for tips on keeping a family together during times of crisis, look into how to qualify for Social Security disability. If you think that filing for Social Security disability may be in your future, the best thing to do is to contact one of your local disability lawyers to get you some answers.

In fact, just some simple disability and Social Security facts may help you to determine whether disability is something that you should look into. Read on for some basic information to help you understand.

In 2011, nearly 10 million people received disability payments. Of the people to receive those payments, 2.5% of them were disabled widows/widowers, with an average monthly payment of $703.54. Disabled adult children make up 10%, with average monthly payments of $705.84 for them. Then the bulk, the disabled workers, are the final 87.5% of those receiving Social Security disability. They received average payments of $1,110.50 per month.

The age groups of those accepted into social security disability vary, with the majority of them, 46%, being between the ages of 55 and 64. Over a quarter, 28%, are 45 to 54. And then 13% of that group are 35 to 44. The rest fall into the smallest percentages, but you can see that most are right around retirement age, if not a little bit younger.

In order to be eligible for benefits, you must meet a few requirements. You must be insured, you must be younger than full retirement age, and you must meet the definition of disability that is stated in the Social Security Act.

When you contact a disability lawyer, they can help to explain the complexities, and even walk you through the process. They can help you fill out all of the paperwork that is needed, obtain any necessary medical documents, represent you before a judge, and advise on the correct appeal process, should the need arise.

Being injured on the job, or incurring a disability of any sort, can be devastating to the whole family. In addition to seeking out tips on keeping a family together during a crisis, research Social Security disability. You may qualify for payments, which can help ease the stress you experience as a result of being disabled.


The Law Offices of Andrew J. Muirhead is a leading Arizona law firm dedicated to the representation of clients involving all aspects of Social Security Disability Law. We handle cases throughout the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Kingman, Yuma, and all of Arizona.

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